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We are called the "Schwendis" - Claudia and Stefan Schwendimann and we founded Trek & Wine.

Stefan Schwendimann

Stefan: I am a Swiss from St. Gallen and here in the beautiful Weinviertel I turn my hobbies into my profession. As a qualified packhorse trekking guide, trainer for horse-assisted coaching and qualified wine expert, I would like to share these joys with other people.

I come from the business world, built up the new

Liechtenstein Post ashead of finance and HR.

In total, I stayed in Principality of Liechtenstein for 20 years. Leadership principles I also learned in the Swiss military, where I served until lieutenant colonel. In 2019 I moved with my Viennese wife and my son to Austria, where I have now found my new home.

Cross-Trail Stiege

Claudia: I help Stefan at all events and designed the cross-trail course. I am an OEPS trail riding guide and a passionate orienteering rider. I competed internationally from Liechtenstein and was able to become Vice-European Cup Champion.

In 2024 we will be organiisng an orientation ride competition ourselves for the first time.

We're glad to meet you

Claudia and Stefan

Claudia Stefan Tchapo




White horse with black mane from France, Arabian mix, born on July 30th, 2012, he has lived with us since 2018, never gets tired, comes everywhere with us and loves trail obstacles.


a brown Freiberger from Switzerland, born on 8.4.2016, with us since 2020,
He is a lap dog and always wants to be entertained.

Both live in an open stable in a herd of 10 horses and enjoy the fresh air every day.

Stefan Schwendimann

In Holitsch

2191 Schrick

0664 1247320


We are located in Schrick in the Weinviertel near Mistelbach, easy and quick to reach from Vienna via the A5 northern motorway.

A5, Schrick exit, in Schrick 1st street on the left (=Hobersdorferstr, sign: "Sportplatz"), about 300m then:

VINothek: turn right, follow the street for 500m through Kellergasse until you see the TREK&WINE sign.


Continue straight on Hobersdorferstrasse (do not turn into Kellergasse), after the "end of town" sign, continue for about 300m, the entrance on the right is signposted, parking is only permitted on the left side of the street.

opening hoursWine shop: Fridays 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 
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